
Global Education 101 - U.S. Department of State

Ended Aug 31, 2024

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Full course description

This course is an offering of the U.S. Department of State's Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs.


How do you prepare students to be successful in a rapidly changing world? Globally competent students are those who can combine disciplinary content knowledge and ways of thinking that empower them to ask critical questions, analyze multiple perspectives, and solve problems. This means skills in critical thinking, understanding different points of view, working with people from different cultures, and adapting to rapidly changing environments.

Global Education 101 is an introductory course designed to support educators across the country to begin to understand global competence, how to grow as globally competent educators, and learn practical strategies for incorporating it into the classroom. Throughout the course you will hear directly from elementary and secondary teachers from urban and rural areas about global education in their classrooms. This self-paced multi-media course includes readings, videos, interactive group discussions, classroom activities, and quizzes. 


Educators will be able to:

  • Define global competence and its connection to student success;
  • Understand themes and concepts of global education and global competence;
  • Develop instructional strategies to incorporate global competence into lessons and units;
  • Build resources for further learning and networking for global competence. 


Educators can expect to participate in the following: reading and videos, multi-media quizzes, video chats, webinars, discussion boards, and reflections. Educators are encouraged to apply practical strategies from the module in their classrooms and schools. Throughout the course educators will engage in discussion boards where they will share their reflections, questions, and resources. Upon completion of the course educators will receive a U.S. Department of State Global Educator Certificate noting 4.5 hours of professional learning. Educators will also have access to the Global Education 101 badge that can be used in email signatures and professional profiles.


This is an open self-paced course, so educators will have flexibility to complete the course on their own timeline. There are three modules within the course and each module is projected to take 1.5 hours to complete. Participants will join discussion groups upon signing up for the course. To stay on pace in the course it is recommended that educators complete one module per week, however, educators are encouraged to work within their schedule. 


This course is sponsored by the U.S. Department of State and administered by IREX.