
Teaching Online for Global Competence - U.S. Department of State

Ended Aug 31, 2024

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Full course description

This course is an offering of the U.S. Department of State's Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs.

In Teaching Online for Global Competence, educators will explore the toolsresources and frameworks that can be used for virtual collaboration, learning, and cross-cultural community building. They will also learn how to build curriculum and instruction for online learning using differentiated methodology and pedagogyAs educators were thrust into online learning in 2020, this course aims to practically support teachers through capacity building to be confident online instructors. The course will also address the social and emotional aspect of online learning, for teachers it is a significant adjustment that can bring anxiety and stress. Through this course educators will be met with compassionate and high-quality instruction to build instructional capacity and a growth mindset for online learning.  As a final assessment, educators will develop a virtual learning guidelines and resource tool to share with their colleagues.



  • Educators will be able to apply concepts of community development in online learning.
  • Educators will be able to use online tools for virtual collaboration, learning, and community building. 
  • Educators will be able to begin to build curriculum concepts for online learning.
  • Educators will be able to connect online learning with opportunities for global competence.



Educators can expect to participate in the following: readings and videos, multi-media quizzes, case studies video chats, webinars, discussion boards, and reflections. Educators are encouraged to apply practical strategies from the course in their classrooms and schools. Throughout the course, educators will engage in discussion boards where they will share their reflections, questions, and resources. Upon completion of the course educators will receive a U.S. Department of State Virtual Educator Certificate noting 4.5 hours of professional learning. Educators will also have access to the Virtual Global Educator badge that can be used in email signatures and professional profiles.  

As this is an open, self-paced course, educators will have the flexibility to complete the course at their own pace. There are three modules within the course and each module is projected to take 1.5 hours to complete. Educators will join discussion groups upon signing up for the course. It is recommended that educators complete one module per week, however educators are encouraged to work within a time that benefits them.  


This course is sponsored by the U.S. Department of State and administered by IREX.